How to See My Blocked List on Facebook

Have you blocked any Facebook users? Are you trying to figure out how to get to your Facebook blocked list but are having trouble? This blog post will show you the most effective approach to accomplish this, therefore you are in the perfect place.

Easy Way to View Your Blocked List:

Go to

Scroll down to block users. Click on the edit button, as shown in the image below.

edit button for blocked users

Click on “See your blocked list’ in the pop-up that loads.


block users

Below is how the actual list of users you’ve blocked should look. An option to unblock is usually included beside the names of blocked users.

blocked users unblocking

There are many annoying people on Facebook, and they may troll you by sending annoying messages, or you may wish to hide your posts or profile from a particular user. This can cause you to block these Facebook users.

Don’t forget that if you block someone, they won’t be able to check out your tags and posts. They will also be disallowed from tagging you in the comments and may be unable to invite you to groups or events.

They will also not be able to chat with you. In fact, blocking them implies that you have seized keeping them as your Facebook friend. So even if you have a change of mind later in the future and unblock them, you will still need to send them a friend request.

If you have been using the Facebook block feature and you are finding it difficult to remember your blocked victims, or you want to give someone you blocked a second chance by unblocking them, then this article is for you.

How to See Blocked Lists on Facebook Mobile Devices

Unblocking your friends varies by the device you are using. To see your Facebook blocked list on a mobile device, kindly follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the menu icon at the top right of your Facebook account homepage.

Step 2: Move down to where you will find Settings & Privacy and tap on it.

Step 3: Enter the Settings option.

Also, see: Delete Facebook Messages Fast – Facebook Fast Delete Messages Extension App

Step 4: Scroll down to the blocking option and click on it.

A list of your blocked Facebook friends will load if you follow the steps carefully. It is your choice to unblock as many as you want at any time. It is also your choice to view the list and walk away.

Also note that if, for any reason, you unblock a blocked friend on Facebook, you won’t be able to block them again until a few days later. Also, even when you have unblocked someone, the person will still be able to view your shared posts on Facebook with the public.

This person, too, will not automatically become your friend, so you will have to send the person a friend request again and hold on for the person to accept the request.

How to See Blocked Lists on Facebook Desktop Computers

To view your blocked list on Facebook using a desktop computer, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click the little triangle on the top right of your Facebook homepage, as seen in the screenshot below.

Step 2: Head down and select Settings in the pop-up space.


Step 3: Click Blocking, as seen in the screenshot below, on the new page that will load open.


Step 4: When you click ‘Blocking,’ you will be directed to the Blocked Users section, where you will see a list of people you blocked on Facebook.

If you wish to unblock any of the people you blocked, simply click Unblock next to the name of the person you want to unblock.



Next, click Confirm to finish unblocking the person.

How to Block on Facebook

To block someone from Facebook, follow these steps:

  • On your Facebook page, tap the arrowhead in the upper-right corner.


  • Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings” from the drop-down menu.


  • In the left-hand tab, scroll down and select “Blocking.”

  • Search for the “Block users” section in the middle of the page, then type the person’s name — or a portion of it — into the “Block users” field.

  • A list of names that match what you typed in will appear. To block someone, go to their profile and click the “Block” button next to their name.

If you change your mind, you can easily unblock someone by returning to the “Block users” area and looking beneath the “Block users” column for a list of everyone you’ve blocked. Simply select “Unblock” from the drop-down menu next to their name.

Frequently Asked Frequently

Is it possible to detect if someone has blocked you on Facebook?

While Facebook won’t notify people when they’re blocked, there are subtle indicators to watch for. For instance, if someone attempts to locate your profile but cannot find it, it suggests that you’ve blocked them. Moreover, they’ll lose access to view your posts or profile details, as well as the ability to tag you in posts or send you messages.

Will the person know if I unblock them?

No, Facebook does not notify people when they are unblocked. They will only be able to see your posts or interact with you again if they search for you or visit your profile.

Can I re-block someone after unblocking them?

Yes, you can block someone again after unblocking them. Simply follow the same steps mentioned above to access your blocking settings and block the person again if needed.

Can I unblock someone who has blocked me?

No, you cannot unblock someone who has blocked you. If someone has blocked you on Facebook, you will not be able to view their profile, send them messages, or interact with them in any way.

That’s all.

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9 thoughts on “How to See My Blocked List on Facebook”

  1. i have family i block i need to unblock them to get them vada west james marie west roger lee west cummins and john thomas cummins i need them back on my friend list i miss them can you help me out i dont know how to do it thank you

  2. I accidentally blocked a friend on Facebook! Need help to get them back on Facebook’ their name isn’t on my blocked list! Name is Craig Frankie, please him back on messenger!! Thank you!!

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