A lot of Facebook users have asked, “How can I see hidden friend list?” on various forums and knowledge boards. It is now normal on Facebook. A lot of people keep their Facebook friend lists hidden.
Facebook frequently introduces new features. You can customize the Facebook interface so that your friend list is hidden from other users.
If you want to make your friend list visible only to you, there are steps you can take to do so. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to view a Facebook user’s hidden friend list.
How Can I See Hidden Friends List on Facebook?
It is not usually a simple process. Finding someone’s friend list is difficult.
Facebook users have become more sophisticated as they understand the risks associated with exposing their private information on Facebook. So, hiding a friend list is one way of protecting one’s Facebook account from cloning. It happens. Scammers and impersonators are on the prowl.
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Facebook Hidden Friends
With hidden friends on Facebook, it is possible to block your friends from viewing your friend list. There are no lies; almost half of all Facebook users already hide their friend list. The main reason for hiding my Facebook friend list is for privacy. This article is about to show you how to see Facebook’s hidden friend list.
Facebook Friends List
Before delving further, we have to analyze what a friend list means in the context of Facebook.
A Facebook friend list contains all your friends’ names. It is a way of tracing a Facebook user’s mutual friends. It is a long list where you will find a person’s friend. Every Facebook user has a friend list. No exceptions.
How to See Hidden Friends on Facebook
So, if you want to access a friend list of someone who has hidden his or her friend list, what will you find? Mutual friends.
Mutual friends are friends that you already have on your friend list. So today, I will show you how to find someone’s friend list that contains both hidden friends and mutual friends.
But before you can see a hidden friend list on Facebook, you must have a Facebook account. As such, I will work with you through the process of creating a new Facebook account.
Note: Facebook is free to open and free to use.
How to Create a Facebook Account
You have to first understand how to create a Facebook account before you have an idea of whether someone has a hidden Facebook account or not.
Feel free to skip this part if you already know how to do it.
Before you create a Facebook account, you will have to provide a valid email address and phone number.
Let’s show you how to open a Facebook account. Follow the steps below:
- Access the Facebook website or the Facebook mobile app on your Android or iOS device. You can also use the lite version.
- If you are using the PC version, you will find the ‘create a new account‘ or ‘join Facebook‘ button. The same applies to the app or mobile version.
- You will be asked to input your correct email address, phone number, password, gender, and date of birth. Please note that Facebook only permits users over thirteen.
- Tap “Sign Up”
- You will be asked to confirm your phone number and email address.
- After successfully signing up, you can now begin the process of adding friends.
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How to do a Facebook Account Login
You must log in to access your Facebook account properly. Therefore, before you begin checking for hidden friend lists, ensure you log in.
The steps below will guide you:
- Access the Facebook website.
- Provide your login information in the space provided.
- Click login.
Easy right?
How to see someone’s Hidden Friend List on Facebook with a Social Revealer
In order to view someone’s hidden friend list, you will have to use a personal computer. You also have to install Google Chrome on that computer. Here’s the step below:
- Open the Google Chrome web store and install an extension called ‘social revealer.’
- Enter the main Facebook website once you are finished with the installation.
- Ensure you are logged in.
- Open the Facebook user’s friend list profile you want to view.
- Then click on the social revealer extension and click on a friend.
- You will find the friend list with all the Facebook user’s friends in a new tab.
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View Someone’s Hidden Friends on Facebook Without a Social Revealer
In order to see someone’s hidden friend list without a social revealer, use the following tips:
- Successfully log into Facebook and go to the individual’s profile page you want to view his/her friends.
- Click on the person’s post or image, look for “fbid=” and try to copy the number after it, but make sure you don’t copy anything from the “&” character.
- Open a new tab and paste “https://www.facebook.com/search/100034868239441/friends” and edit the number between “Search/……/friends” to the one you copied earlier.
- Enter the URL, and you will find the person’s friend list.
Other Methods You Can Use to See Someone’s Hidden Friend List on Facebook
How can I see a hidden friend list on Facebook? Here are other methods that will help you see someone’s hidden friend list on Facebook:
1. Check mutual friends
The first and most straightforward technique for viewing some users’ hidden friend lists is to use the mutual friend functionality.
- Launch the Facebook app on your phone.
- Locate your hidden friend’s profile ID.
- Get your mutual friend’s ID as well.
- Fill in the IDs in the URL provided.
- A listing of hidden mutual friends will appear.
URL to Use: https://www.facebook.com/target_name/Friends?and=Friend_of_target.
You can see every one of these two users’ hidden mutual friend lists by typing this combined URL into the search field.
2. Find friends of Someone from the Friends Tab
If you desire to see somebody else’s Facebook friends but they are not on your friend list, you will only be able to see mutual friends rather than all of their friends.
If the user’s friend list is hidden, you can add the person on Facebook, and you will be included on his friends list if the user approves your request.
To view all of someone’s Friends on Facebook, click on their name.
First and foremost, go to that person’s Facebook profile.
Now, go to https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=PLACE ID&sk=following and look at the Friends tab on your profile.
Replace the ‘PLACE ID’ with the ID of the profile of the person you wish to spy on the link.
When the link loads in a new tab, it will show all of the people the user has added to his Facebook account as friends.
3. Make use of FriendFinder
This method can be used to discover a person’s Facebook friend list. However, you must share one connection with the user whose friend list you want to see. You may view the mutual friend list for both you and the person you’re targeting on the Friend Finder Page and the common link you both have.
Follow the steps below:
- Log in to Facebook and look for the “Friend Finder Page.”
- As you browse down the page, you’ll get to the category for mutual friends.
- Now, look up the profile of the user whose friend list you’d like to see. You’ll be able to view the person you mutually know.
These are a few simple Facebook strategies for seeing someone’s hidden Friend list. You can test each method to see which one works best for you.
How to Create a New Custom Friend List
Many people have a large number of Facebook friends, including family members, colleagues, personal friends, and neighbors. To post an update to particular people, create a custom friend list. Tap on any friend list to see a tiny News Feed with only that friend’s posts.
Here’s how to create a Facebook custom friend list:
- Log in to Facebook on a computer
- Access the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the Facebook homepage.
- Tap See More
- Click on Friend Lists
- Select Create List.
Begin inputting the names of people you want to append to the list and give it a name. As you type their names into Facebook, it offers friends to you.
Once you’ve completed adding friends to the list, click Create. The list will be added to your list of friends.
Hidden Friends List on Facebook FAQs
1. Who can follow me on Facebook?
Once someone adds you to their friend list on Facebook, they begin to follow you instantly. By tapping Public beside your post settings, you can allow individuals who are not your Facebook friends to follow you.
To control who can follow you, do the following:
- On the upper right side of Facebook, tap account.
- Then, under Settings & Privacy, tap Settings.
- On the bottom left, tap Public Postings.
- Besides Who Can Follow Me, choose Friends or Public.
Additional settings:
- Public Post Comments:
You can choose who can leave comments on your public postings.
- Public Post Notifications:
This option lets you choose whether or not you want to be notified when non-friends start to follow you and comment, share, or react to your postings.
- Information about your public profile:
This section lets you control who can like and react to updates on your public profile’s Intro page. This will affect profile images, profile video content, cover photos, featured photos, and Feed upgrades.
- Check to see who is following you.
You can access a listing of followers who aren’t yet your friends if your profile privacy settings are changed to Public.
Navigate to your profile page and tap Friends underneath your cover photo. Then click More and> Followers to see this list. You won’t see this selection if you have no followers, and you won’t be able to see who follows you on Facebook.
Users who have sent friend requests that you reject or dismiss will immediately start following you if you allow non-friends to follow you. A person can be blocked at any time if they are following you.
2. How do I use Facebook lists to organize my friends?
On Facebook, you can use lists to organize your friends. You can use a list to update particular persons, such as coworkers or friends who reside nearby. Updates from specific groups of people (e.g., close friends and family) can also be seen.
At any moment, you can add or delete friends from these lists.
Close friends:
You might wish to share with only a few friends.
People with whom you might like to share a little. You can select Friends except for acquaintances in the target filter to exclude these people when you post something.
This is a list of people you’ve added as friends but wouldn’t want to share information with, like your boss. When you add somebody to your Restricted list, they’ll only be able to read your public information and posts in which you’ve tagged them.
You can also create custom lists to organize your friends. You decide who gets on such lists and what privacy limitations (if any) apply.
To view your friend list, go to:
- The left menu of your News Feed and select Friends.
- Tap See more if you can’t view it.
- Tap on the Custom Lists option to open your friend list. You can also create a new list by clicking Create List.
3. Can I Hide My Facebook Mutual Friends?
On Facebook, there is currently no option to hide only mutual friends. On the other hand, unique friends can be hidden between you and your friend, or you can hide a mutual friend list on Facebook by unfriending those mutual friends from your friend list. They will no longer appear as mutual friends on your page.
4. How can I Hide My Facebook Friends List?
Follow the steps below to hide your Facebook friends list.
- Launch the Facebook app on your device. Enter your email address and password.
- Once you’ve successfully entered your Facebook account, go to your profile and tap on the “Friends” tab.
- The “Public” option from the drop-down box in this area indicates that your Facebook friends list is visible to everyone. Continue to click on more to see the menu’s other options.
- Friends, Only Me, and Public are all available in the More section. Select the “Only me” option to hide your Facebook friends list.
5. What happens if you hide your friends list on Facebook?
It is a very simple process whenever you hide your Facebook friends on a PC or mobile device. If your friend list is hidden from a specific user, they won’t see it whenever they visit your profile. This way, you can protect your privacy with regards to your follower base.
6. How can I unhide my friend’s list on Facebook?
- Select the upper right of Facebook.
- Select Settings.
- Navigate to Privacy and select Privacy Settings.
- Select Who can see your friends list?
- Choose the audience of people (e.g., Friends) who want to see your friends list.
7. Can you use Facebook search to find hidden friends?
Yes, using Facebook search queries may discover hidden friends based on their interactions and connections.
Is it safe to use third-party tools to find hidden friends?
Although third-party apps can help you find hidden friends on Facebook, you should exercise caution when using them. Before using such tools, make sure to check user reviews, security, privacy policies, and accuracy.
Can I view someone’s Facebook hidden friends list using these methods? Is this right?
Individual privacy and the terms of service on Facebook must be respected. When seeking to find hidden friend lists, ethical considerations must be prioritized.
You could need access to someone’s Facebook friend list if you’re looking for someone and can’t find them, but they’re mutual friends. You’ll need to run a graph search on Facebook to see someone’s hidden friend list. If you and your target profile have anything in common, the graph search will assist you in discovering your target profile’s hidden friend list.
Because it has the biggest user base of around 2 billion people, Facebook is considered the most popular social media network. As a result, you’ll probably need to see someone’s hidden friend list at some point.
Follow the strategies outlined in this article to be able to access a friend’s hidden friends list.
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